
Enabling notifications

In the section Notifications You can be notified with a special red badge  when interactions occur from your network such as Likes, Comments, New Referrals subscribed to your network, etc.. or directly from 8earn such as news, bonus alerts, app changes and other system updates.

The notifications are sorted by date and by clicking on them they can link you directly to the highlighted contents.

On the notification, you can view the user who performed the action, the reason for the feedback, the date and time of the interaction.

By clicking on the content of the notification, you will be directly linked to the post or to the relevant area.

By clicking on x to the right of each notification you can archive it.

By clicking on the button Show Letters you will be linked to the archive section where you can find the history of notifications that can be consulted at any time.

By clicking on the button Show New you can go back to the notifications section to read.

Click to connect to the channel:
Click to connect to:
