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Top Managers are 8earn registered users who are getting good feedback on their publications as well as consolidating Followers and Agents affiliated with their network.
The 8earn algorithm selects each user registered on the network, offering him the possibility of appearing in the list of Top Managers through verified entrepreneurial ability, transparency on the publication of contents and the number of followers associated with his account.
You too can participate in the list of Top Managers by following the advice indicated above by obtaining a sponsorship from 8earn, if the required requirements have been fully validated, to increase your network.
1) In the Top Manager section you will find the users selected by the system, in random order, who have achieved the objective described above and for this 8earn wants to reward them.
In the list you can view the information that allows you to know the biography of your Manager.
2) By clicking directly on the name of each Manager , you get all the information that the user has made available to involve his audience.
You will also find the link to the social networks used by the Manager (in case they have been made public) which can help you in choosing to consolidate an adequate collaboration.
3) By clicking on Connect you will be linked directly to the Login page and you will be able to proceed with your registration by entering the requested data.
By following these simple steps you will have completed the registration procedure and will be connected to the selected Manager's network.
From now on, you will be able to communicate with the 8earn network, receive and offer useful advice to all the staff to undertake a great business.